Friday, 16 February 2018

Cutting, sticking and gluing - Art Therapy for those with Alzheimers

My mum has always loved crafts ... she especially enjoys cutting out shapes and will happily spend hours on this activity as long as she has a template or pattern to follow! 

This activity helps maintain hand - eye coordination, fine motor skills and provides artistic stimulation. 

More and more I need to get my mum started and guide the process but the "Job Box" I have introduced really helps as when I am not there as it reminds her of things she can do.

I have modified and simplified the templates so the shapes are easy for her to cut out. Simple cats and flowers work well as they are her favourite subjects. 

I leave pretty patterned paper, a template, scissors and an example or a note in the "Job Box" ...

Almost always when I return I find her 'job' has been completed and there are many beautiful creations waiting for me :)

We use colourful stick on jewels ... my mum loves choosing the colours ... I make sure we have a good variety to encourage her artistic flair :) The sticky back on the jewels make them easy for mum to handle.

On good days my mum can draw on the cat faces ... on days that aren't so good she will leave them for me to complete but we always discuss and decide together the expression ... I always value her opinion.

I thank my mum for her 'work' and say how much time she has saved me so that she feels she has helped me. 

Everyone likes to feel appreciated and those with memory loss are no different ... in fact I believe it is even more important to praise my mum and make her feel useful.

We use all mum's beautiful creations on our 
hand-made cards.

She's very proud to put our names on the back of our cards! 

Our craft activities are always a joint effort :)

Things to remember about this activity ...
Be flexible. Don't force anything. Encourage and help when necessary. Never criticize. Always, always praise!


  1. This blog is very well written, the information here is great. We can relate to these topic as we too belong from simile memory care services in san antonio tx. To know about the services check out the website-

  2. The way you explore the intersection of Art Therapy for Traumais amazing. It's great to see how creativity can be such a healing force. Thanks for spreading the word!
